東河橋 東河 台東山青水藍一條紅 新舊之間時代遊 白石林立作見東森房屋證 東河橋歷史台東 東河橋, 台東. 日據時代是吊橋, 因交通量大小型辦公室的關係取代成新橋. 這裡您可以走到海邊, 可見白色巨石, 是拍照G2000的好景點. 這裡也是台23線起點. 東河知名有衝浪, 包子, 釋迦, 情趣用品入台23線泰源擇是柚子產地.Donghe bridge, Taitung. It was a 個人信貸suspension bridge in Japanese era. Since the traffic 燒烤growing, it taked over to new bridge. Here you can walk 宜蘭民宿down to the beach, can see the white huge rock, very nice 酒店兼職photoing sopt. Here also starting highway 23. Donghe 賣房子famous as surfing, bun, and Shakya, inside the highway ARMANITaiyuan is pomelo production area.

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